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Work: Curated Collection of Awesomeness

I have helped small startups and large corporations create digital products that make their users feel awesome. This curated collection of projects will give you an idea of what I’ve done and what I could do for you.

Jeppesen (Boeing Digital Aviation): Jeppesen InView

2Artboard 1@3x.png
The Challenge / Context
JAIMS is a Zurich-based startup
which wants to tap into the growing
„On-Demand Home Service“
market (e.g. cleaning, home
repairs, dog sitting) with a strategy
of covering all all major types of
remote freelancer and local gig
JAIMS is currently looking for investors and is currently developing an MVP consisting of an Android App and a mobile website.
My Tasks / Contribution
  1. Product and Services design of JAIMS‘ digital experience.
  2. Designing the JAIMS brand, i.e.color scheme, logo, emotionality.
  3. Interaction Design
  4. Visual Design
Solution / Benefit

A mobile first approach was used as JAIMS‘ managment thinks that the App / mobile experience will be crucial for user adoption and success. Adobe XD was used for this project for its superior mobile prototyping functionality.

The mobile first approach forced me to focus on key functionality without sacrificing features. This also meant designing two experiences one for consumers and one for the people who deliver the service, the freelancers.


Jeppesen (Boeing Digital Aviation): Jeppesen InView

The Challenge / Context
The purpose of Jeppesen InView is to enhance Situational Awareness for airline duty managers (ground control) so they can better manage disruptions (e.g. flight delays due to bad weather) and their consequen-ces onto flights, like passengers missing connecting flights.
I started the project with some initial screenflows from Boeing Vancouver. Initial feedback from users - Airport Duty Managers - was that more disruptions needed to be visible on one screen.
As the Software was now marketed under the Jeppesen brand, a Jeppesen brand experience needed to be developed as well.
My Tasks / Contribution
  1. Interview domain experts both within Boeing and external.
  2. Redesign InView in a way that more disruptions are visible.
  3. Create a Jepp brand styleguide
  4. Create a Hi-Fi Axure Prototype which showcases the highly complex screen interactions and looks like the final product.
  5. Documentation and liaising with the developers in Poland.
  6. Google Material Design was chosen as Design Language to design the Jeppesen Brand System. On my suggestion D3.js was adopted to seemlessly zoom-in and out of the timeline.
Solution / Benefit

Together with the UX intern we created an iconfont for the display of transport and weather. We chose to create an Axure Hi-Fi-Prototype so we could test various interaction patterns before development.

An Issues Overview Screen was added (using the tube-map-visualization of D3.JS) so that even on a very bad (busy) day no flight issues get lost.
The user can interact with the system to also perform a what-if analysis; if the user makes the timeline bars shorter or longer, upon which the system will automatically calculate and display the downline impact.


Allianz: Digital Transformation of KLS (Kollektiv-Leben-System)

The Challenge / Context
As part of a larger digitization initiative, the collective-life-insurance business (2. Säule) will switch from paper-form-based customer interactions to being fully digital. The goal of the new „KLS“ is to manage all business processes, which makes it a highly complex expert system with lots of dependencies. My briefing at the start of the project was to redesign the look and feel of the already started „new KLS“ without touching any backend
functionality. The existing pages were ultralong and had many inpage-dependencies (i.e. when you click on something highlighted in blue, this will change much of the page).
My Tasks / Contribution
  1. Redesign of their KLS backend software using High-Fidelity Axure Prototyping for the collective life-insurance business (2. Säule) so that their customers can potentially also use it.
  2. Based on the redesign and a new Allianz brand-experience to develop a component-based style guide for all of their enterprise software.
  3. Axure HiFi-Prototyping was chosen so we could test the various interaction patterns with its micro-interactions before development.
Solution / Benefit

As the new Allianz brand-experience
is loosely based on Google Material Design, the developed components / interaction patterns were based on that.

The guiding principle was to put all effects of a dependency clearly visible on one screen. This resulted in 2 or 3 column layouts in which the boxes metaphor of the existing archtictural design was highlighted.
Moving the labels the google way inside / above the input field saved a lot of space which resulted in a more appealing cleaner layout.

2015 //  UX RESEARCH - UX DESIGN - Information-Visualization

MeteoGroup: TradingMaster

The Challenge / Context
TradingMaster visualizes weather forecast information for Energy-Traders (e.g. E.ON, AXPO). Widgets are used to visualize weather data. The Renewables Energy Forecast is a specific forecast for Energy producers.
All MeteoGroup Energy customers rejected TradingMaster preferring to stay with a 8+ year old solution, citing issues with: Speed, Usability, and not understanding the Energy Sector‘s problems (old school).
My Tasks / Contribution
  1. Interview users (Energy-Traders & Meteorologists) across Europe. 
  2. Propose new features
  3. Redesign TradingMaster
  4. Create Axure Click-Dummy
  5. Create a Quality Circle to ensure the final product is sufficiently user-tested during development.
Solution / Benefit

Leveraging the power of HTML5 and D3.JS in order to design novel visualizations and interactions.
In the design I was able to leverage outcomes of my thesis (Antithesis) in the design of dashboard like solutions.

The Interviews led to a perception shift of the Energy Sector:
Energy traders not only want the best forecast, they also need options which are actionable.


Nestlé: Quick Alerts Cockpit (QaC) for SAP AlertMonitor and APO

Context / Challenge
The Quick Alert Cockpit is a novel user interface for SAP-APO.
By visualizing  potential corrective actions [alerts], the app empowers planners to spot unforeseen movement and patterns within their portfolio.
Alert-Monitor of the SAP SCMSuite generates for planners (SAPAPO) ca. 300-500 alerts daily - toomany for our human interface to process with current interfaces. This problem has been known for 8 years - this solution solves it.
My Tasks / Contribution
1. Daily Design Thinking work-shops with Stakeholders.
2. Prototyping using Tableau
3. End-user feedback on prototype
4. Pitch-Prep-Training with the team for the Management Board
5. Overseeing development / production in terms of UX & then final end-user-testing.
Solution / Benefit

Leveraging the power of HTML5 and D3.JS in order to design a novel user-interface where alerts are displayed using visualization. Each alert is clickable and links directly [Deep-Linking] to a planning book situation in SAP-APO.

Nestlé has 1000 planners worldwide.
The Quick-Alerts-Cockpit saves each of them 1 hour of work per week. The solution works on mobile, tablet & desktop and convinced Top Management of the importance of UX & HTML5.


Novartis: Quality Analytics Tool (Redesign)

Context / Challenge
The Quality Analytics Tool allows people from the quality team to track incidents which happened at the various manufacturing sites with Novartis. The quality team was already happy with their existing dashboard, but wanted to know how they could further enhance the portal / landing page of their extensive dashboard. 
My Tasks / Contribution
  1. Create 2-3 alternative dashboard designs which displayed the same amount of data
  2. Increase the interactivity of the dashboard by using better filters
  3. Adjust the existing design to the Corporate Style Guide in terms of Colors and Fonts
Solution / Benefit

After having received a data extract, I used Tableau to fast-prototype the alternative dashboard proposals.

The redesign replaces the four uppermost visualizations

The new layout displays more salient information while making the layout look less crowded. The quality team was very happy with the new proposal.


Wolters Kluwer: Baumeister

The Challenge / Context
BAUMEISTER is a green-field project, with which the publishing house Wolters-Kluwer enters the fast growing legal-tech market .
Construction Lawyers need to be on top of many documents. Especially for larger construction projects, a lot of the work is recurring and time-consuming but cannot be delegated. However a case-management system could automate many of those tasks.  
My Tasks / Contribution
  1. Creation of a semi-open questionnaire 
  2. Development of Personas
  3. Design of initial screens to be used at the end of the interview session.
  4. 60-90 minutes interviews with construction lawyers from various fields of construction law at their workplaces throughout Germany.
  5. Writing of a final report.
Solution / Benefit

The interviews were conducted with me asking questions while a Wolters Kluwer employee took notes. The goal of the interviews was to better understand how construction lawyers structure their day and their work. 

The initial screens were helpful as an additional source of information which guided us in fleshing out the MVP. 


University of Sydney, MPhil Thesis: Persuasive Effects of Visual Antithesis in Animated Infographics

The Design
‘Grow Your Awareness’ is an animation showing why electric cars may not be as green as you’d think and why Australian electricity production should be cleaner.
Designing the video was only the first step, in order to test hypotheses about visual rhetorics / persuasion. Three different versions were designed & user tested on students.
The Thesis
Thethesis was reviewed by two external reviewers. Both recommended publishing the thesis without modification, i.e. the best possible grade.
Reviewer's Report by
"The submitted MPhil thesis presents a review of “visual rhetoric,” by which is meant visual semiotics and visual propaganda (i.e. information intended to change a subject’s opinion).
Professor Michael Cohen 

The thesis is basically an extended justification for closely considered, intelligently revised video used to test propaganda techniques, and also to debunk myths about carbon cleanliness of electric or hybrid vehicles. The video is kind of a “infomercial,” where the promoted recipient of the viewer’s patronage is an “eco” non-profit charity. The video was edited according to polls from a “focus group,” like that used for commercials, TV shows, movies, political campaigns, and consumer products.



The Challenge / Context
An initial internet team invented Personas and built on that the AO Foundation Internet offerings
(Homepage, Memberarea / Intranet, Apps).
My Task / Contribution
1. Assess the problems in the current homepage, then
2. Propose solutions to improve the internet offerings.
Remote User Testing, Card Sorts & Surveys (n=500) were used to assess usability problems. 
Based on that a User Journey Map and Personas were created &  validated using in-depth interviews.
Solution / Benefit

The user-tests revealed an exceptionally high brand satisfaction (75% would highly recommend the AO Foundation to a colleague / friend). The validation of the Personas revealed that the most pressing problem of most users (mainly from 2nd world countries) are related to accessing the internet offerings through 3G internet connections using touch devices in hospitals.

By constructing the User-Journey-Map (shown below) we also found out that the secret to AO's success lies in fostering the career of the surgeons they educate.





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